David P. Adams
Email: david@davidpatrickadams.com

About David
DAVID ADAMS was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, raised in Brazil and received his secondary and university education in Europe. In 1967, he graduated with a BA in Portuguese and French literature from King's College, London. He received an MA in English literature from the University of Massachusetts, where he took a position as lecturer in19th-century Portuguese literature.
David left academia to found the Linley Group, Inc.,
an advertising / consulting company in Boston with a later focus on the commercial real estate industry. Ten years later, he became founder and CEO of the Linley Companies, Inc., an international real estate consulting practice for Latin American investments.
In 2007, David co-founded the Linley Foundation, a non-profit organization engaged in education, environmental and animal-rights projects in Brazil's northeast. In 2010, he began his C-suite leadership initiative, based on personal interviews (PI) and executive team interaction.
David has pursued a range of eclectic interests, including flying, skydiving and horseback riding. He was an enthusiastic tennis and squash player and marathon runner. He is married to the Brazilian artist, Maria Lucia Ferreira, and has two step-children. He divides his time between Vermont, Brazil and Europe. David is currently writing a memoir.